Monday, May 18, 2015

This is here is simple,cheap and non time consuming.
Just follow along to two simple nails art tutorials below.

Example of nail art one, instructions

Materials you'll need

  1. Four or three metallic nail polishes of your choice,with darker and lighter color variations.
  1. You'll need three or less toothpicks to help apply the polish once the base color  has been applied.

Now to get started

  1. Fist you'll need a base metallic color. Preferably a dark,solid color.
  2. Second pick another metallic color of your choice ,preferably a light,almost transparent color.Then use a toothpick to apply one base is completely dry.
    The polish should look flimsy,almost like it's melting.
    3. Apply another light metallic color on top or around the one recently applied.You don't have to wait for the previous color to dry especially if you want a messy ingrained look.

    Should look something like this.Let it be messy!

    4.Add your third metallic color.This should still be lighter hue than your base color.Apply it all around on top,around or where polish still needs to be applied on nail.
    Lastly it should look something like this.Very carefree yet pleasant.

    Second space art example look 


    same as above example just try these variations of colors!

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